Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 09:00-18:00

The Plodovi mog imanja brand was created as a result of family mutual effort and engagement on an old property in the small village of Slavkovica, located on the outskirts of Rajac Mountain. We have started renewing and reviving the property from 2017. The beauty of the countryside and the need to connect with nature led us to create products that will bring people closer to all that we experience every day. Our property is large, full of potential.
We mainly grow raspberries, but each of our products is produced directly from our fruit plantations. It also houses old plantations of various fruits, forests, meadows.
Our goal is to renew the old plantations every year, make new products and expand the production even more.
We are also assisted by the locals, on which we are very proud of as we are helping the development of the local community.
We decided to grow and process fruit. Our idea is that each of our products contains the highest percentage of fruit and thus maintain quality. Through this small family journey, we realized only with the quality we can achieve our goal, which is that our every product tell the story of how imortant it is to remain connected to nature to use its full potential. With a lot of enthusiasm and love, we founded the company Plodovi mog imanja in 2019 and produced Raspberry spread, which contains as much as 74% raspberries, completely natural, without any artificial additives, Raspberry juice and blackberry fruit juice 100% , which contain only squeezed fruit, without any added sweetener and water.
Brend Plodovi mog imanja nastao je kao plod porodičnog uzajamnog truda i angažovanja na jednom starom imanju u malom selu Slavkovica, koje se nalazi na obodima planine Rajac, a koje smo od 2017. godine počeli da obnavljamo i oživljavamo. Lepota predela i potreba da se povežemo sa prirodom vodila nas je ka tome da napravimo proizvode koji će približiti ljudima sve ono što sami proživljamo svakog dana. Naše imanje je veliko, prepuno potencijala. Bavimo se uzgojem maline, i svaki naš proizvod je proizveden direktno sa naše plantaže od svežeg voća. Na njemu se nalaze još i stari zasadi raznog voća, šume, livade, i cilj nam je da svake godine obnavljamo stare zasade i da pravimo proizvode sa našeg imanja.
U tome nam pomažu i lokalni stanovnici na šta smo jako ponosni s’ obzirom da pomažamo razvoj lokalne zajednice.
Odlučili smo da se bavimo uzgajanjem i preradom voća. Naša ideja je da svaki naš proizvod sadrži što veći procenat voća i da time održimo kvalitet. Kroz ovo naše malo porodično putovanje, shvatili smo samo kvalitetom možemo da postignemo naš cilj, a to je da svaki naš proizvod ispriča priču o tome kako je bitno ostati vezan za prirodu i iskoristiti svaki njen potencijal. Sa puno entuzijazma i ljubavi, osnovali smo firmu Plodovi mog imanja doo 2019. godine i proizveli Namaz od maline, u kome se nalazi čak 74% maline, potpuno prirodan, bez ikakvih veštačkih dodataka, Voćni sok od maline i voćni sok od kupine 100%, koji u sebi sadrže samo isceđeno voće, bez ikakvog dodavanja zaslađivača i vode.