Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 09:00-18:00
ENG: Réal means real and that's why we chose this name, to give you the right values, ingredients and ultimately the taste and enjoyment of our chocolate. We do not use the magic to turn raw material of Belgian chocolate into a handmade chocolate miracle, but we do it with cautious attention, with excellent knowledge and with love. Our goal is to offer you quality products and therefore we are supplying ourselves with dried-freezing domestic fruits, as well as seeds and spices, only from the best manufacturers. Our chocolates feed your soul and heal your whole being. Be part of this magnificent creation because we want it for you. Become our vision, just like our chocolates we produce.
SRB: Réel znači pravi i zato smo izabrali ovo ime, da vam dajemo prave vrednosti, sastojke i na kraju ukus i uživanje preko naše čokolade. Ne koristimo čaroliju da sirovinu belgijske čokolade pretvorimo u ručno rađeno čokoladno čudo, već sa negujućom pažnjom, izvrsnim znanjem i sa ljubavlju ih pravimo. Naš cilj je da vam nudimo kvalitetne proizvode i zato nabavljamo domaće voće sušeno smrzavanjem, kao i semenke i začine, samo od najboljih proizvođača. Naše čokolade vam hrane dušu i isceljuju vaše celo biće. Budite deo ovog veličanstvenog stvaranja jer to želimo za vas. Postanite naša vizija, kao što su to i naše čokolade koje proizvodimo.
ENG: Réal means real and that's why we chose this name, to give you the right values, ingredients and ultimately the taste and enjoyment of our chocolate. We do not use the magic to turn raw material of Belgian chocolate into a handmade chocolate miracle, but we do it with cautious attention, with excellent knowledge and with love. Our goal is to offer you quality products and therefore we are supplying ourselves with dried-freezing domestic fruits, as well as seeds and spices, only from the best manufacturers. Our chocolates feed your soul and heal your whole being. Be part of this magnificent creation because we want it for you. Become our vision, just like our chocolates we produce.
Organization Type
Private company
Founding Year2015
Email istvan@reelchocolate.com
Senta , Vojislava Ilića 13
Areas of Activities