Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 09:00-18:00
Kakvog je ukusa nostalgija? Jel miriše kao sveže ubrana jabuka, ili pekmez od šljiva, da li ima ukus pite sa sirom ili soka od malina? Iskombinovali smo tradiciju i inovaciju, konsultovali smo nauku i iskustvo domaćica, ukrstili smo želju da kreiramo nešto drugačije i sva bogatstva našeg kraja, i napravili brend VoLim. VoLim dobro u ljudima je brend domaće hrane i pića koji razvija kompanija ES Komerc iz Prijepolja.
Sokovi, džemovi, testenine i pite, pripremljene na tradicionalan način su ono što možete naći u našoj ponudi. Osim tradicionalnih proizvoda postoji i program sa stevijom koji je pogodan za dijabetičare, kao i ORGANSKI sokovi, džemovi i testenine koji se prave od 100% organskih sirovina, poštujući EU i SRB standarde.
Naš kraj je izuzetno bogat sirovinama koje koristimo u proizvodnji što nam daje mogućnost da sve neophodno nabavljamo iz najbliže okoline. Voće je iz doline Lima, organska heljda i spelta gaje se na preko 1200nmv na obroncima „čiste“ planine Zlatar, odakle dobavljamo i mlečne proizvode.
Posebnu pažnju posvetili smo
bezbednosti VoLim proizvoda, koja je u svakoj fazi proizvodnje, od skladištenja
sirovina do finalnog pakovanja proizvoda, na visokom nivou, tako da krajnji
korisnik može biti siguran da na svoju trpezu dobija tradiciju sa kvalitetom
potvrđenu od strane najpriznatijih sertifikacionih kuća.
What does nostalgia taste like? Does it smell like a freshly plucked apple or plum marmalade, does it taste like a cheese pie or raspberry juice? We have combined tradition and innovation, we have consulted science and experience of housewives, we have crossbred the desire to create something different with all the riches of our land, and made a brand VoLim. VoLim dobro u ljudima is a brand of homemade foods and drinks developed by the company ES Komerc from Prijepolje.
Juices, marmalades, pastas and pies prepared in a traditional manner are what you can find in our assortment. Apart from traditional products, there is also a programme with stevia suitable for diabetics, as well as ORGANIC juices, marmalades and pastas which are made of 100% organic raw materials in compliance with the EU and SRB standards.
Our land has an abundance of raw materials which we use in production that enable us to find everything that we need in our closest surroundings. Fruit comes from the valley of the river Lim, organic buckwheat and spelt are cultivated on over 1200 meters above sea level on the outskirts of the “pure” mountain Zlatar, where our dairy products also come from.
We dedicated special attention to safety of the VoLim products, which is on a high level in every step of production, from storage to final packaging of the products, so that the end user can be sure that he is getting the tradition with the quality confirmed by many renowned certification bodies at his table.