Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 09:00-18:00
DescriptionKompanija je osnovana 1992, a 3 godine razvija brend Magija zalogaja. U pitanju su premium proizvodi visokog kvaliteta od domaceg voca sa organskim zacinima. Tri razlicita ukusa,pekmez od sljive sa mentom,ekstra dzem od borovnice sa lavandom i niskokaloricni dzem od bundeve u djusuThe company was founded in 1992, and for 3 years has been developing the brand Magic bites. These are premium high quality homemade organic jam. Three different flavors, plum jam with mint, extra blueberry jam with lavender and low calorie pumpkin jam
Organization Type
Private company
Email office@magijazalogaja.rs
Beograd , Vukice Mitrovic 24
Areas of Activities