Marina Panić

PanićAgro17 d.o.o

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday 09:00-18:00
Description  Nasa firma je osnovana 2017. godine.Sa puno ljubavi pakujemo lesnik u ljusci, sirovi lesnik, przeni lesnik, mleveni lesnik, puter od lesnika , puter od lesnika slatki, puter od lesnika sa dodatkom visnje, puter od lesnika sa liofilizovanom sljivom kao i puter od lesnika sa etericnim uljima.Puter od lesnika je prirodan bez ikakvih dodataka. Lesnikov puter je izuzetno zdrav namaz koji poseduje sva korisna svojstva lesnika, jer se pravi od cistog lesnika, bez ikakvih dodataka. Sadrzi mononezasicene masne kiseline, koje pruzaju dragocenu pomoc u borbi protiv holesterola i kardiovaskularnih oboljenja.

 *Our company was founded in 2017.With much love we pack a hazelnut in a shell,raw hazelnut, fried hazelnut, ground hazelnut, hazelnut butter, sweet hazelnut,cherry butter with cherry added,hazelnut butter with lyophilized plum as well as butter hazelnut with essential oils.Butterfly butter is natural without any additives. Hazelnut butter is an extremely healthy spread that has all the useful properties of hazelnut, because it is made of pure hazelnut, without any additives.

Organization Type Private company
City Tovariševo , Jadranska 14
Areas of Activities

Food & beverage production