Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 09:00-18:00

DescriptionPekara Ključ was founded in 2003. Since its foundation, the company is active in field of production of hand-made pies, and traditional salt and sweet pastry products. In previous 13 years, the company became famous for its uniquely and high quality products with distinguished taste and without additives. The production is based on highest standards of quality ISO 22000 and the company developed product lines which are sold in own retail shops and in numerous retail chains. The Company has a business goal to develop new premium food products.This product line is KEYBAR.
KEY BAR brand is based on a new product line made of sweetened buckwheat, combined with plums and fibers. Product line is based on
three basic product types of KEY BAR .KEY BAR - glutenfree / non GMO.
Organization Type
Private company
Beograd , Toplicin venac 5/1
Areas of Activities
Food & beverage production
Vocni bar i program smrznutih pita i proja
Nudimo mogucnost saradnje po pitanju standardnog programa pita i novog programa-KEYBARA.Trazimo distributere za ino trzista,strateske partnere ili investitore kada je u pitanju novi asortiman KEYBAR,a sto se ticce standardnog programa zamrznutih pita,trazimo distirbutera za ino trzista ili strateskog partnera.
Cooperation Offered
- Manufacturing agreement
Cooperation Requested
- Other
- Investment/Financing
- Sales / Distribution