Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 09:00-18:00

Gaia brend je nastao 2017. godine kao rezultat želje grupe prijatelja da integrišu svoja znanja i dugogodišnja radna iskustva iz oblasti tehnologije hrane, prodaje i marketinga u cilju stvaranja proizvoda koji će biti zdrava i ukusna alternativa konvencionalnim proizvodima.
Gaia veganski namazi su artikli iz kategorije zdrave hrane , proizvedeni od prvoklasnog povrća, po recepturi koja obezbeđuje najbolji balans hranljivih sastojaka za sve one koji brinu o svom i zdravlju svoje porodice.
Bez konzervansa, veštačkih boja, aroma i dodatog šećera. Bez alergena.
Za sada proizvodimo namaze u 5 ukusa: patlidžan, brokoli i spanać, paradajz i kinoa, masline, tikvice, a na BFS 2019 predstavljamo dva nova ukusa: namaz sa paprikom i namaz sa cveklom i renom.
Gaia veganski namazi su prisutni u objektima maloprodajnih lanaca Mercatora-S, Univerexporta, Arome i mnogobrojnih prodavnica zdrave hrane.
Trenutno izvozimo naše proizvode u zemlje regiona.
Strast je ono što nas pokreće, ona je sastavni deo svakog našeg proizvoda i zato nećete ostati ravnodušni uživajući u proizvdima Gaia brenda.
Gaia brand was created in 2017 as a result of the desire of a group of friends to integrate their knowledge and many years of work experience in the field of food technology , sales and marketing in order to create products that will be a healthy and tasty alternative to conventional products.
Gaia vegan spreads are items in the category of healthy food produced from premium vegetables, according to a recipe that provides the best balance of nutritional ingredients for all those who care about their own and the health of their family.
No preservatives, artificial colors, aromas and added sugar. No allergens.
At the moment, we are producing 5 different varieties of spreads: eggplant, broccoli and spinach, tomato and quinoa, olives, zucchini. At the BFS 2019 we are presenting two new varieties: paprika spread and beetroot and horseradish spread.
Gaia vegan spreads are present in the stores of retail chains Mercator-S, Univerexport, Aroma and numerous healthy food stores.
We are currently exporting our products to the countries of the region.
Passion is what drives us, it is an integral part of each of our products and for that you will not remain indifferent in enjoying Gaia brand products.
Food & beverage production
GAIA vegan namazi
GAIA namazi od povrća premium kvaliteta, bez aditiva, veštačkih boja i zaslađivača, bez alergena.
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution