
Gregor Guberinić

Bibli doo

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday 09:00-18:00

Kompanija Bibli d.o.o. Beograd osnovana je 12.maja 2009. godine kao preduzeće čija je prvobitna delatnost bila trgovina. Nakon par uspešnih godina, osnivač I vlasnik Gregor Guberinić vidi šansu u proizvodnoj delatnosti, I donosi odluku o pokretanju ogranka za mesnu industriju.

Već pri stvaranju palete proizvoda od mesa,  po ukusu I kvalitetu izdvojili su se proizvodi “Domaći čvarci” I “Domaća svinjska mast”. U tom momentu se na tržištu Bibli čvarci pojavljuju kao inovativan proizvod,  koje karakteriše manji  procenat masnoće, veći procenat proteina I izražena  hrskavost. “Domaća svinjska mast”  prednjači po svom kvalitetu  I čistoj beloj boji.  Nakon istraživanja za aromom koja bi oplemenila domaće čvarke, nastaju “Ljuti domaći čvarci”, a za sladokusce I “Sitni domaći čvarci”, kao idealna grickalica.


Konstantna priznanja međunarodnog karaktera , društveno odgovorno poslovanje I zadovoljni potrošači  doprineli su  izgradnji brenda kompanije Bibli.


 Company Bibli d.o.o. Belgrade was founded on May 12th, 2009 as a company whose primary activity was trade. After a couple of successful years, founder and owner Gregor Guberinić saw a chance in production, and made the decision to start a branch for the meat production.


Already in the creation of meat product range, the products "Traditional scratchings” and "Traditional pork lard" stood out in the market because of the taste and quality. In that time, the Bibli  scratchings appeared as an innovative product, characterized by a lower percentage of fat, a higher percentage of protein, and an enhanced  crispiness. "Traditional pork lard" is the top-quality product with pure white color. After the search for the new flavour that would enrich the traditional pork scratchings, the "Chili traditional scrathings” were created.  "Tiny traditional scrathings" were made for the gourmets as an ideal snack.

Continuous international awards, corporate responsibility and satisfied customers contributed to the building the Bibli company brand.

Organization Type Private company
Founding Year2009
City Ugrinovci , Vojačka br. 93
Areas of Activities

Food & beverage production