Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 09:00-18:00

Kantar Homemade is a small family-run business engaged in the production of olive oil, syrups and marmalades, following the traditional recipes. We want to offer you products that used to be an integral part of our dining rooms and have now become neglected due to the fast pace of modern lifestyles.
Our premium product that we are particularly proud of is extra-virgin organic olive oil from our very own, carefully groomed olive grove on the northeast coast of the island of Brač, absolute liquid gold.
All products are made in the comfort of our family home, where we carefully devote ourselves to each prepared jar and bottle. We hope that you will enjoy them in the same way and that the smell and taste, like us, will bring you back to the days of childhood, peace of mind and sweet family breakfasts or pleasant afternoons with family and friends.
Kantar Homemade je mala porodična radinost koja se bavi proizvodnjom maslinovog ulja, sirupa i marmelada, slijedeći i poštujući tradicionalne recepte. Želimo da vam ponudimo proizvode koji su nekada bili sastavni dio naših trpeza, a sada su, uslijed brzog tempa modernog načina življenja, postali zanemareni.
premium proizvod na koji smo posebno ponosni je ekstra-djevičansko organsko
maslinovo ulje iz našeg vlastitog, s ljubavlju paženog maslinika na
sjeveroistočnoj obali otoka Brača, apsolutno tekuće zlato.
Sve proizvode pravimo u udobnosti porodičnog doma, gdje se brižno posvećujemo
svakoj pripremljenoj teglici i boci. Nadamo se da ćete i vi na isti način
uživati u njima i da će vas miris i ukus, kao i nas, vratiti u dane
djetinjstva, bezbrižnosti i slatkih porodičnih doručaka ili ugodnih popodnevnih
druženja s porodicom i prijateljima.