Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 09:00-18:00
Description Organic Juniper
Our produce is our passion. We harvest Juniper in the mountainous regions of Golija and Rogozna and highlands of Pester covering an area exceeding 2000 hectares. These are lands of incredible natural beauty where wildlife still thrives and are situated miles away from any industrialisation. We specialise in sourcing and supplying fresh and dried juniper berries, dried fruit and juniper essential oils. All our products grow organically in the unspoilt mountainous regions of Serbia.We are a young team of people who are extremely passionate about the quality of our produce. Customer satisfaction is our main objective. We employ the latest technologies and techniques to achieve excellence in our products.
Juni 93
Our organic Serbian juniper berries make Juni 93 pure, fresh, and extra special. Watched by the quiet magnificence of the surrounding mountains, our junipers grow wild in the highlands of Pešter at almost 5,000 feet above sea level. Every berry is handpicked and sorted by local workers, with only the best carried down to our distillery. Here we painstakingly lay out the berries to dry in the hot Serbian air, turning them carefully by hand and waiting until they’re just perfect. It’s only then that we begin to make our gin.
Organic Juniper
Kleku beremo u planinskim predelima Golije i Rogozne i Pesterskoj visoravni na površini većoj od 2000 hektara. Ovo su zemlje neverovatne prirodne lepote koje nalaze se miljama daleko od bilo kakve industrijalizacije. Specijalizovani smo za snabdevanje i isporuku svežih i osušenih bobica kleke , suvog voća i esencijalnih ulja kleke. Svi naši proizvodi rastu u netaknutim planinskim predelima Srbije. Mi smo mladi tim ljudi koji su strastveni po pitanju kvaliteta naših proizvoda. Zadovoljstvo kupaca je naš glavni cilj. Koristimo najnovije tehnologije i tehnike za postizanje izvrsnosti u našim proizvodima.
Juni 93
Naše organske bobice kleke iz Srbije čine Juni 93 čistim, svežim i ekstra posebnim. Posmatrani mirnom veličanstvenošću okolnih planina, naša kleke divlje raste na Pešterskoj visoravni na gotovo 1500 metara nadmorske visine. Svaku bobicu ručno beru i sortiraju lokalni radnici, a samo najbolje odnose se u našu destileriju. Ovde mukotrpno postavljamo bobice da se osuše na toplom vazduhu, pazljivo pratimo proces i čekamo da budu savrseno suve. Tek tada počinjemo da pravimo svoj džin.
Organization Type
Private company ,
Kraljevo , Zica 157
Areas of Activities