Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 09:00-18:00
DescriptionI am a communications professional (translation/interpreting/consulting) who recently started developing a network of buyers in Italy. My objective is to form a solid producer base in Serbia and offer their products to different companies in Italy.
Organization Type
Private company ,
Email cp@cedomirpusica.com
Mercato San Severino , Via Dei Due Principati 78
Areas of Activities
Selling your products in Italy
I am just starting out as an export-import agent. I live in Italy and already have two solid contacts with a good growth potential. I want an opportunity to offer your product portfolio to my clients.
Additionally, I may help with any and all of your internationalization efforts for the Italian market.
Also, for distributors in Serbia, I may help by connecting them to the Italian producers (oil, wine, fish, etc).
Cooperation Offered
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution
- Other
Cooperation Requested
- Technical co-operation
- License agreement
- Sales / Distribution