Bilateralni sastanci
- Petak 09:00-18:00
Balkan Cheese Festival osnovan je 2014. godine sa ciljem da uživaocima i široj publici kroz izložbu predstavi autohtone sireve Balkana. Posetioci mogu da probaju i dođu do vrhunskih sireva, a proizvođačima, često malim poljoprivrednim domaćinstvima i gazdinstvima, je omogućeno predstavljanje na tržištu, jačanje njihovih kapaciteta i održivost proizvodnje i poslovanja.
Na festivalu izlažu mali, zanatski i veći proizvođači premijum sireva iz Srbije, Crne Gore, Bosne i Hercegovine, Makedonije, Hrvatske i Slovenije, a na svakom festivalu su prisutni i sirevi iz Francuske i Italije, kao i sirevi zemlje gosta. Svaki festival privuče blizu 70 izlagača i 4.000 posetilaca.
Balkan Cheese Festival je prepoznat kao ključna tačka za sve informacije o sirevima Srbije i okolnih zemalja i doprinosi vezama proizvođača sireva sa kupcima, trgovcima, izvoznicima i međunarodnim organizacijama i partnerima.
Balkan Cheese Festival is founded in 2014 with an aim to present autochthonous cheeses of the Balkan Peninsula to connoisseurs and wider audience.
Visitors can taste and get top cheeses, whilst the producers – often small agricultural households and farms – are provided with presentation to the market, strengthening of their capacities and ultimately the sustainability of their production and businesses.
At the festival, small, handcraft and larger producers of the premium cheeses from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia exhibit. At each festival, there are also cheeses from France and Italy, as well as from the Guest Country of Honour.
Each edition of the festival attracts around 70 exhibitors and 4000 visitors.
Balkan Cheese Festival is recognized as a key point for all information related to cheeses of Serbia and neighboring countries. It contributes to the relations of the cheese producers with buyers, traders, exporters as well as international organizations and partners.
Vrsta organizacije
udruženje građana,
Belgrade , Mike Alasa 54
Oblasti poslovanja