Snezana Knowles

Founder/ CEO
Forest Bounty (MK Ltd)

Bilateralni sastanci

  • Petak 09:00-18:00
OpisImport and distribution food business in the UK of 100% fruit juices and fruit and vegetable preserves from Serbia. Our products so far are made in Serbia, from highest quality fruit and vegetables, cooked to traditional recipes and packaged in glass. We are importers of Bakina Tajna to the U.K. as well as our own brand creators (Forest Bounty) which products are also made in Serbia exclusively for the Forest Bounty / U.K.
Vrsta organizacije privatna firma
Godina osnivanja2012
ZemljaVelika Britanija
Grad Bristol , Kingswood
Oblasti poslovanja

Proizvodnja hrane i pića


      konsultantske usluge

