Bilateralni sastanci
- Petak 09:00-18:00

OpisCalibro je nova kompanija smeštena u Topoli, srcu Srbije, čija je vizija da postane lider u zemlji i regionu, da bude prepoznatljiva po kvalitetu proizvoda od sušenog i liofilizovanog voća i povrća. Fleksibilna proizvodnja za savremeno sušenje voća i povrća velikih količina, praćena dobrom tehnologijom. Suva šljiva ekstra kvaliteta je trenutni broj jedan našeg proizvodnog asortimana, ali ništa manje za njom ne zaostaju ni suva jabuka i suva jabuka sa cimetom.
Calibro is a brend new company located in the heart of Serbia, our vision is to become a leader of the country and Eastern Europe region, to be recognized by the high quality products of dried fruits and vegetables, and also lyophilized fruits and vegetables, as well as the services it provides. Flexible production for the modern drying of fruits and vegetables of large quantities, followed by good technology. Currently, number one of our product range are extra quality prunes, but no less dried apple, dried apple with cinnamon and dried pear.
Calibro is a brend new company located in the heart of Serbia, our vision is to become a leader of the country and Eastern Europe region, to be recognized by the high quality products of dried fruits and vegetables, and also lyophilized fruits and vegetables, as well as the services it provides. Flexible production for the modern drying of fruits and vegetables of large quantities, followed by good technology. Currently, number one of our product range are extra quality prunes, but no less dried apple, dried apple with cinnamon and dried pear.
Vrsta organizacije
privatna firma
Veličina organizacije11-25
Godina osnivanja2017
34 310 Topola , Despota Stefana Lazarevića 1
Oblasti poslovanja